Last modified Sep, 27, 2017
Traffic Analyzer Report details

Traffic Analyzer Report details 

The traffic analyzer report displays the statistical summary of SQL traffic such as read/write queries, queries in transaction, SQL version etc. Additional information on SSL connections, MARS traffic session count, traffic bifurcation in transaction can also be viewed.

ScaleArc Traffic Analyzer: v1.7.0.1

Processing file : 85_upload_27_Sep_2017_07_58_39_handover.pcap
Analysis done for database type: MySQL
Analysis done for port: 3306


        Read Queries  :                  59.27 %
        Write Queries :                  40.73 %
        Stored Procedures:               0.00 %
        Unknown(Non Standard Queries):   0.00 %

Traffic Characterstics
        MySQL Version:
              5.5.15 :                 YES

        Authentication Type
             mysql_native_password:      YES

Transactions:                            10.26 %

SSL:                                     NO

Cursors:                                 0.00 %


Total Queries Analyzed :                 604
        Total Read Queries:              358
        Total Write Queries:             246
        Total Stored Procedures:         0

Transactional Details
        Total Queries :                                   62
        Implicit transaction statements:                  0(0.00 %)
        Explicit transaction statements:                  62(10.26 %)
        In transaction statements:                        0(0.00 %)

Cursors:                                 0

Number of SQL sessions in SSL:           0

Number of SQL sessions:                  92

       mysql_native_password:            82
       Undetermined Authentication:      10

MySQL Version
         5.5.15 :                      82
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