Last modified Jan, 21, 2017
Install ScaleArc on Rackspace


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Access to a Rackspace account
  • A valid ScaleArc license. 
  • A shared image of ScaleArc. Contact for a free trial or call +1-855-800-SCAL(7225).

Click here to install ScaleArc on Rackspace in an HA configuration.

Create a virtual machine

Follow these steps to create a new virtual machine:

  1. Log into

  2. Click Servers > Cloud Servers.

  3. Click Create Server.

Configure the virtual machine

  1. Fill in the server name. Then, select a region (this is the region the image was shared in).

  2. Select the saved image type to install. 

  3. To locate the image, click Image Type > Saved > Deleted Servers > Shared Image. 

  4. Choose the Flavor/Size of the VM to be deployed. ScaleArc needs a minimum of four virtual processors or 
    else a kernel panic occurs and blocks the ScaleArc startup.

  5. Copy the root password for access the system from SSH. 

  6. Wait for the server to build.

  7. When completed, the server becomes active.

  8. Copy the public IP to access the ScaleArc UI.

Add a disk to store logs

Add a second LVM disk to store ScaleArc-related logs.

  1. SSH to connect to your server using the Linux command :ssh root@ip_address  or putty on Windows.
    Log in as "root" and use the password copied before.

  2. List the disks on your server using the command: "fdisk -l"
    Note: /dev/xvda is the system disk and the Other volumes listed will be your data or Cloud Block Storage disks.

  3. Enter a new volume size (500GB) and select the Standard (SATA) radio button.

  4. Use "fdisk -l" to verify that a new disk has been allocated onto the machine.

  5. Mount the disk. Run the " mnt " command and assign the volume a name on your server. In this example, the volume is named Data. Check the volume is ready by running command "df -h" to show your free disk space.

  6. Make the volume permanent by adding the new data volume to the static file system in the "fstab file."

Log in to ScaleArc

  1. Browse to the IP address to set up ScaleArc.

  2. Proceed to the ScaleArc License Agreement screen. Read through the license and click Accept EULA.

  3. A successful network setup brings up the Welcome screen. You are now ready to initialize ScaleArc.



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